Healing Trauma

You had no control over the situation, yet…

You’re the one who has to try to pick up the pieces of your shattered life…

You’re the one left with the nightmares, the flashbacks, and the sensations in your body, and the sleepless nights…

You’re the one having to endure the guilt, the shame, the self-hatred, and the disgust…

It’s so unfair. You didn’t ask for what happened to you, but you’re the one suffering (and so are others around you).

And there’s no area of your life left unaffected.

Just going to the grocery store is a major feat because of all the people. And when you do go, your anxiety is through the roof. You come home jittery and angry, and it lasts for days.

It’s difficult to have a significant relationship because of all the emotional pain and mistrust that creeps in. You want to let it go, but it’s attached to you like an arm or leg.

Your kids try to bond with you, but you don’t have the physical or emotional energy. You used to enjoy spending time with family, but now, you would rather be alone. You just can’t connect, and your family doesn’t or can’t understand. You feel guilty and like a failure for not being there for them.

The dropping of a dish, fireworks, a certain smell, a voice, the way a person looks or is dressed… they can all be triggers. Suddenly, you’re back in that traumatic situation. You never feel safe; you’re always on edge. It’s difficult to trust anyone. Heck, you don’t even trust yourself.

You try to hide it, push it down, tell yourself it’s over, or not think about it… but it’s always there, lurking in the shadows of your mind and body.

We’ll use a variety of techniques to help you move on…

Having a variety of techniques available puts you in charge of our approach to treating your trauma. It’s all tailored specifically to you and your needs.


This is a form of biofeedback that helps you regulate your brain function through stimulation and mental strategies. It will train your brain to work in a way that reduces the effects of trauma on your mind.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

This technique uses bilateral sensory input (like side-to-side eye movements) to stimulate the brain to reprocess difficult thoughts, memories, and emotions. You’ll still remember the event, but it won’t have the same effect on your body and mind (kind of like remembering what happened in a movie).

Brain-Based Approaches

You’ll learn how trauma has affected your brain and body (I’ll have materials for you), and we’ll use some movement-based techniques, breathing and body-based scripts, and other mental tools to help your brain heal.

Cognitive Processing Therapy

Like EMDR, this involves reprocessing traumatic events so they’re less painful and disruptive in your life. We’ll explore what thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are keeping you from recovering, and we’ll work through them all.

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This is a form of “talk therapy” focusing on how your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are related to one another. The goal of CBT is to help you return to a place of hope, with a greater sense of being in control.

Peace is possible. Just imagine…

No more flashbacks or nightmares…

Enjoying a peaceful night’s sleep…

Living a peaceful, “normal” life…

It’s possible, and it’s only a telephone call away!

Call (307) 444-2308 today to set up a free 15-minute consultation. I can answer any questions you have and see if we are a good fit.