Individual Therapy

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

I mean… REALLY took the time to work on YOU?

You spend so much time helping others, taking care of family responsibilities, and keeping it together at work or school.

You go, go, go!

When a friend or family member calls and says they need to talk, you’re always there for them, but you might feel like you have no one to talk to yourself. Maybe you don’t want to be a burden…

The emotions run deep, and it feels like you’re drowning.

Are you mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausted? You probably are. In fact, I bet you have trouble falling or staying asleep because you are worrying about everything you didn’t get done today.

Are you depressed but try to avoid it by focusing on everyone else’s problems? That’s probably not working out so well, is it?

Is the stress so overwhelming that you don’t know what to do? I bet the anxiety goes a lot deeper than the day-to-day stuff.

Is the insanity starting to ruin other areas of your life? Maybe you’re having trouble focusing or lashing out more than you think you should.

It’s time to understand and stop the insanity!

Individual therapy is a place where you are the most important person in the room.

This time is for you!

I have comfortable chairs and lots of pillows. I even have a weighted blanket on hand if you need one.

We’ll talk about what you want to talk about. Will you be required to jump into the deep end of the emotional pit right away? Absolutely not!!!

Again, this is all about what you need. This is your time. I will meet you where you are and take things at your pace.

And we’ll focus on your goals. Maybe you don’t know what your goals are. That’s okay. We can figure it all out together.

Do you need to learn coping skills? We can do that.

Are you wondering if meditation and mindfulness may be helpful? We can do that, too.

Or maybe you just need someone to listen quietly or be there while you cry. I have soft tissues and a trash can ready and waiting.

Just do it!

So, let’s go back to the original question:

When was the last time you did something for yourself?

I tell clients all the time: “You can’t get water out of an empty well.” You have put it off long enough. It’s time to do something nice for yourself.

You don’t have to go through the rest of your life miserable, and you don’t have to do it alone. I am here, and I will be here as long as it takes.

Call me right now for a free 15-minute consultation. We will talk, I’ll answer any questions you may have, and we can go from there. I look forward to meeting with you! (307) 444-2308